Chabad Hebrew School is a place where the joys, values and traditions of Judaism are brought to life. We feel it is essential that this experience be a positive, cheerful and enjoyable chapter of your child’s maturing process. The goal of our school is to instill in the children feelings of pride and affection for their heritage. We believe this can best be accomplished in an atmosphere of joy and warmth.


Our school is a contemporary learning center that successfully caters to Jewish families from all walks of life. Our school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It is for this reason that our school does not require any membership or prior affiliations as a condition for enrollment.

The Approach

We focus on the beauty and significance of our heritage through discussions, workshops and hands-on projects. We emphasize Jewish values and ethics. Mutual tolerance and respect for fellow human beings are taught as basic principles of the Jewish faith.

Click here to register for the Chabad Hebrew School